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Unleash Your Motivation: 5 Simple Hacks to Jumpstart Your Productivity!

We’ve all been there. You have woken up a bit late, you’ve missed out on your morning routine, and you already feel like a failure so you write the day off before it’s even begun. Without a strategy to quickly jump out of this mindset when it arises, this can turn into a daily battle. But I have found some tricks that have helped me get back on track, and I hope they help you too!


Listen to an inspirational podcast 

I discovered the beauty of podcasts not so long ago, which has changed how I do monotonous tasks. Doing the dishes, laundry, cooking, and cleaning has now become something to look forward to. Not only do I tick a task off my to-do list, but I also get to learn something in the process. Or, if you prefer, sit down with a cup of coffee and put on a podcast or YouTube video that inspires you. Do you want to start exercising? Listen to a talk session on the benefits of exercise and which would be best to start off with. Do you want to learn a language? Watch a video that teaches you the basics. It can get you so inspired, that you may find your motivation by the end of it.

Do a 5-minute workout

5-minute workouts are a great way to boost your motivation. Sometimes your day doesn’t go as planned and you find that you may not have the time or the energy to do a workout, or anything else for that matter. A 5-minute workout gives you an energy boost, it can help clear your mind, and it is so quick, you can squeeze it into your schedule easily! 

Get ready for the day

When I don’t have to leave the house, I usually stay in my pyjamas. However, this usually makes me feel super lazy! Just the simple act of taking a quick shower, putting on comfortable – but flattering – clothes, and a little bit of makeup to add some colour to your face can do wonders. And it also means you can quickly run out of the house if you need to!

Read a few pages of an inspirational book

If you prefer reading over listening to podcasts then this is for you. Self-help books are a great way to get motivated to start working on your goals, habits, body, or mind. Choose a book that aligns with your goals and start reading a few pages – you will be surprised how this can motivate you. Be careful not to fall into the trap of reading so many self-help books but never acting on them, though. If you are not really the ‘self-help book’ kind but would love to start, I would recommend you consider one of these books: 

  1. Switch on your Brain – Caroline Leaf
  2. Atomic Habits – James Clear
  3. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen Covey

Write a to-do list (in your Happy Planner, of course) and do the easiest task first

Sometimes your to-do list may feel so overwhelming that you don’t know where to start – so you end up scrolling on your phone instead. What I find that gets me going is to start with the easiest task on my to-do list. This should be something that is fairly quick and won’t take too much brain power to do. This will get you to start feeling confident and motivated to start ticking off other things on your list. Before you know it, you’ll conquer the other tasks on your list in no time.


Voilà, those are my 5 killer tips! Enough with the excuses, it’s time to take action. Dare yourself to try at least one (or even all) of these techniques this week and watch your motivation and productivity soar.

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